Environmental Stewardship – Our Big Move | Webber Naturals Skip to content

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Environmental Stewardship – Our Next Big Move

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Environmental Stewardship – Our Next Big Move

Caring for the environment is more than just a corporate value – it’s an essential part of what we do. We are proud to be a carbon-neutral company, and we are constantly looking at ways we can take our commitment to sustainability to the next level. For us, preserving our environment is not a choice, it’s a necessity.

Alongside assessing our greenhouse gas emissions footprint, we are implementing programs to actively neutralize our impact. In addition to working to reduce our corporate carbon footprint through energy audits, facility retrofits, shipping optimization projects, and waste diversion improvements, we are also investing in carbon offsets by supporting projects like the Niagara Escarpment Forest Carbon Project (NEFCP).

This project protects forests by promoting and maintaining diverse ecosystems along the Niagara escarpment – from Niagara Falls towards Tobermory, extending along Manitoulin Island. Working with the NEFCP, we’re able to enhance and restore areas of native species or natural habitat, enhance tree growth, and encourage and support scientific research and education related to ecological sustainability.

Environmental Stewardship – Our Next Big Move - map

We are also investing in our younger generation by backing the Lester B. Pearson School Board Carbon Offset Project. Proceeds from carbon offset sales are used to conduct emission reduction projects, and develop new climate change programs for students. Carbon offset purchases, such as those from Webber Naturals, have allowed the implementation of solar and reflective walls, thermal accumulation, HVAC controls, heat recovery, and other green technologies that generate emissions reductions.

Environmental Stewardship – Our Next Big Move - Classroom

We are so thrilled to work with Carbonzero, a leader in designing and implementing corporate carbon reduction strategies – to help us take our eco responsibility to the next level.

Some key steps in the Carbonzero-certified program include completing a corporate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) inventory to fully assess the carbon footprint of our operations. This assessment means going well beyond figuring out just how much electricity is used to make our softgels, tinctures, and protein powders. The greenhouse gas inventory includes both direct and indirect emissions sources from our business activities.

As a term, carbon neutrality may sometimes be unclear. Many folks wonder what carbon neutral means, and what is a carbon-neutral company?

Simply put, carbon neutrality refers to achieving a net balance of zero carbon-dioxide emissions by offsetting a company’s total greenhouse gas-emissions footprint. We’re committed to assessing and addressing our owned and controlled facility utilities, product shipping, business travel, and landfill waste.

“Going carbon neutral means that all our processes are on the table to be assessed and adjusted to meet our goal. It’s not just about making minor changes. This effort requires all our people at every level to contribute to the significant change.”

– Norma D’Onofrio, Senior Marketing Manager 

By investing in green energy and carbon offsets, in addition to the work we are doing to reduce emissions in our own operations, we can support local communities and our planet to achieve our larger goal – leading sustainable practices to help Canadians live healthier lives.

– The Webber Naturals Team

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